Stopped here after work last night. I had read the stocking report and decided to give it a shot. With a fly rod in tow and only 90 minutes before the game, I had to hurry. The water was real low but I ventured down the brook to see if there were any pools left. Hit a couple small ones and saw some fish but they were not on the bite. I kept moving and came to the deepest pool yet. I threw on a BWO Nymph, size 14 I think. I ran it up into the top of the pool where the water was flowing in and just hung there for a minute. Then, BAM! Fish on! And it's a brook trout! Nice little bend on the rod with this fella...Course I don't have a net but not a big deal...Brought him towards the bank and noticed I hooked him real good. So good, that I couldn't throw him back....I guess he'll be my supper. Given how low the brook was getting, I'm thinking he doesn't survive the summer anyway. Nice color and appeared well fed. Exactly 9" in length. He had two minnows in is mouth when I caught him...
This picture is weak because it's from my cell phone. Left my real camera in the band van.
Will post some updates of other trips I have taken as I am just now creating this blog about fishing!