Friday, September 19, 2008
Sebago Lake 9-12-08
Soon after Alex had a nice 13 incher that we released.
As we got closer to shore I brought the downrigger up from 120 ft to 50ft. This produced a nice 17" Salmon that danced her way all the way to the boat. It was a native.
Alan brought in the last fish of the day. A 14" togue also caught off the down rigger at 50ft.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sebago Lake 8-30-08
About 22" with a beautiful hook jaw and a lot of purple in the head that did not come out in the picture that well. He made a nice meal for everyone at UB's house.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sebago Lake, 8-10-08
Things were quiet for a while after that and we got so hot that we pulled everything in to go swimming for a bit. After a nice swim we decided to troll back and BAM this lunker crushed my offering just as I got done setting the downrigger.
He was a pig. A nice fat 21" lake trout. Put up a fight too. Fresh water Char fishing at it's finest!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Day 4, Rangely lakes region, 7-22-08
Looks like Ryan has the biggest fish of the day so far!
Ridin Dirty'
Landed a nice little 13" native brookie off the downrigger before pulling in for lunch.
Looks like the other boat had some luck too!
The women and children hop in one boat and Alex, Dad & I hop in the other.
We start hammering the Salmon again!!And again...
Time to get a fire going!
I guess we didn't need to bring any food on this trip!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Day 3, Rangely lakes region, 7-21-08
Pretty slow morning. I think Alan was the only one catching anything. All of them were small and about 12 colors out on the lead rig. We tried to release all of them but two were injured and would not have made it. So we ended up with an 11" brookie and a 14" salmon for lunch.
Time to start a fire and help the rest of the crew get set up!
Some of us read by the water...
After a day of getting rigged at the site, the boys & Morgan set off for a brief dusk fishing excursion.
Unfortunately, they were not biting any more...Even despite my intimidating poses with a fly rod.
Maybe if we pose together?
That didn't work either....Oh well. Try again tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Day 2, Rangely Lakes Region, 7-20-08
Not a whole lot of action at first but we did manage a few small ones. After a while, we did pick up one on the down rigger. And not too long after that a nice 16" salmon slammed my streamer fly that I had on the fly rod. I think it was a territorial thing because he got hooked in the side of the head and did about 4 tail walks to the boat.
Not a bad morning so far...But now it's time for breakfast. Salmon scramble is on the menu today and it's my favorite!
After a hearty breakfast, the rain had picked up so we decided to take the fishing to a nice river not to far from the site.
I was working hard to get my fly across the river to some rises but was wishing I had waders...
Down stream , Alex was having some luck.
Alan was working hard to get over to some rises as well.
His hard work paid off when he wrangled in this beautiful brook trout.
You know it's big when it won't fit in your landing net!!!
After letting this lunker go & a round of high fives, we went back to the site for the end of day 2.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Day 1, Rangley Lakes Region, 7-19-08
What an afternoon!
Alan showed up around 5pm to some very good news.
Yeehaw! Time for the Jameson!